Universal Design

Our professor had us listen to a TED talk on universal design, Why We Need Universal Design. If you haven't heard of this topic, it is basically how an environment can be accessed and used to the greatest extent possible by all people - no matter their age, size, ability or disability. Michael Nesmith spoke on the topic, well he actually signed about the topic. Michael is deaf and uses American Sign Language to give his speeches, and someone else voices over for him to the crowd. He overcame his disability and gave a very interesting lecture on a topic I've actually never really thought about. 

When I started thinking about this idea of universal design, I really kept being drawn back to OT. We can help so many people do so many different things - overcome disabilities, regain old abilities after their lost, figure out ways around current issues in life. It's almost as if the idea of universal design could be apart one of the pillars of the field. One place I feel we can really use this idea is in home modification. 

Connecting to the idea of universal design is a podcast called The Role of OT in Home Modification and Living in Place. In the podcast, universal design and aging in place were the main topics. It reiterates the idea of universal design and even links it to how we can help our seniors in their homes and lives. Most seniors want to stay in their homes, or also called living in place, instead of moving to facilities to help them. OTs can help them stay within their own homes longer through assessments and home modifications. Changing homes in ways that allow access and greatest possible usage for the client IS universal design! 

Linking these ideas has allowed me to see OT from another new perspective. I learn something new about this profession every day and can't wait to learn more!

The Young OTS

Also, if you would like to listen to the podcast or TED Talk, here are the links!



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