Memphis Rollin' Grizzlies

Tonight, my classmates and I had the opportunity to watch the Memphis Rollin' Grizzlies practice. They are the wheelchair basketball team here in Memphis, TN and they compete across the country against different teams. It was probably one of my favorite (and coolest) experiences here in the city. Watching the way those players used their athleticism and abilities was incredible. I cannot even begin to explain the kind of upper body strength and endurance those men had to have to scrimmage for an hour and a half. On top of that, they were kind and generous to us curious OT students. They were completely open to answering any questions we had, along with letting us try out their game chairs. But, I think the best part of the team is the bond I saw the players have with each other. As future therapists we will receive clients who have obtained some sort of neurological disease that prevents a person from being physically active (in the way the previously were active) for whatever reason. That can be really hard for some people to imagine. And sometimes we won't have all the answers for them. This team provides not only an outlet for physical activity, but a way an individual can talk about or express their concerns with someone who actually has been through the same, or similar, experience. Watching those guys bond on and off the court was a highly rewarding sight. I would really recommend catching one of their games this fall!

The Young OTS

Visit the National Wheelchair Basketball Association website to learn more about the league through the link below:

OR visit the following link to the Rollin' Grizzlies website to learn more about their team and their goals for the future:

Here is a picture of the team practicing! May 30, 2018


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