Morgan Petersen OT641 Debrief Video


  1. Morgan, I thought you did a fantastic job explaining long term acute care compared to other facilities! Your explanation really helped me understand further how to distinguish LTAC from other levels of care. I'm glad you gained more skills in working with patients that were less medically stable. That is something I wanted to learn more about too when I chose acute care for this rotation.

    I can really relate to loving pediatrics but also realizing how much you enjoy working with older adults. That is something I discovered last rotation that was further solidified this rotation. It's really fun to get exposed to so many settings and be surprised about what areas you realize you enjoy working in.

    Thanks for sharing Morgan! I enjoyed hearing about your experience and look forward to hearing more when we return to school.

  2. Morgan,
    Your explanation of differentiating between the levels of adult care is perfect and so helpful! Oddly enough, my fieldwork facility was classified as a SNF/LTAC/Sub-acute/Rehab facility so I was able to see the more medically complex cases as well as general rehab which was nice to be able to see a broad population.
    I applaud your willingness to admit that you need to work more on interventions and stepping outside of the box to think about making them client centered and tailored to the client! It sounds like you learned a lot on this rotation and I'm glad you enjoy working with the adult population! I think it's great to be well rounded in this field and it sounds like you are just that!
    I'm glad I got to hear a little bit about your rotation and & I hope you have a wonderful summer break!


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